CMM.pipeline module
- class CMM.pipeline.Pipeline(comm, seed, seed_noise=None)[source]
Instance to reconstruct component maps using QUBIC abilities.
- Parameters:
comm (MPI communicator) – MPI common communicator define by MPI.COMM_WORLD.
seed (int) – Seed for random CMB realization.
seed_noise (int, optional) – Seed for random noise realization, by default None.
(max_iterations, seenpix)Precontioned Conjugate Gradiant algorithm.
(x)Callback for scipy.minimize.
(ell, Nl)Fisher Method.
Fisher estimation.
Constraints for scipy.minimize.
Component TOD.
(D, d, _invn)Detectors intercalibration.
(seenpix)Method that solves the map-making equation :math:`(H^T .
Update detectors gain.
(beta, ...)Update Mixing Matrix.
Update spectral index.
- call_pcg(max_iterations, seenpix)[source]
Precontioned Conjugate Gradiant algorithm.
Method to call the PCG from PyOperators package.
- Parameters:
max_iterations (int) – Maximum number of iterations for the PCG algorithm.
seenpix (array_like) – Boolean array that define the pixels observed by QUBIC.
- callback(x)[source]
Callback for scipy.minimize.
Method to make callback function readable by scipy.optimize.minimize.
This method is intended to be used as a callback function during the optimization process. It is called by the optimizer at each iteration.
The method performs the following actions: 1. Synchronizes all processes using a barrier to ensure that all processes reach this point before proceeding. 2. If the current process is the root process (rank 0), it performs the following:
Every 5 iterations (when self.nfev is a multiple of 5), it prints the current iteration number and the parameter values rounded to 5 decimal places.
Increments the iteration counter self.nfev by 1.
- Parameters:
x (array_like) – The current parameter values at the current iteration of the optimization.
- fisher(ell, Nl)[source]
Fisher Method.
Fisher to compute an estimation of sigma(r) for a given noise power spectrum.
- Parameters:
ell (array_like) – Array containing the multipole values.
Nl (array_like) – Array containing the noise power spectrum values.
- Returns:
sigma – Estimated value of sigma(r).
- Return type:
- fisher_compute_sigma_r()[source]
Fisher estimation.
Computes and prints the value of sigma(r) using the Fisher matrix.
- get_constrains()[source]
Constraints for scipy.minimize.
Generate constraints readable by scipy.optimize.minimize.
- Returns:
constraints – A list of constraint dictionaries for optimize.minimize.
- Return type:
- get_tod_comp()[source]
Component TOD.
Method that produces Time-Ordered Data (TOD) using the component maps computed at the current iteration.
This method initializes a zero-filled numpy array tod_comp with dimensions based on the number of components, the number of sub-components (multiplied by 2), and the product of the number of detectors and samples. It then iterates over each component and sub-component to compute the TOD by applying a convolution operator (if specified) and a mapping operator to the component maps.
- Returns:
tod_comp – A numpy array containing the computed TOD for each component and sub-component.
- Return type:
- give_intercal(D, d, _invn)[source]
Detectors intercalibration.
Semi-analytical method for gains estimation. (cf CMM paper)
- Parameters:
D (array_like) – Simlulated data, given by the formula : \(\vec{D} = H.A.\vec{c}\), where H is the pointing matrix, A the mixing matrix and c the component vector.
d (array_like) – Observed data, given by the formula : \(\vec{d} = G.\vec{D} + \vec{n}\), where G is the detectors’ intercalibration matrix and n the noise vector.
_invn (Diagonal Operator) – Inverse noise covariance matrix.
- Returns:
g – Intercalibration vector.
- Return type:
- main()[source]
Method to run the pipeline by following :
Initialize simulation using PresetSims instance reading params.yml.
Solve map-making equation knowing spectral index and gains.
Fit spectral index knowing components and gains.
Fit gains knowing components and sepctral index.
Repeat 2), 3) and 4) until convergence.
- update_components(seenpix)[source]
Method that solves the map-making equation \((H^T . N^{-1} . H) . x = H^T . N^{-1} . d\), using OpenMP / MPI solver.
This method updates the components of the map by solving the map-making equation using an OpenMP / MPI solver. The equation is of the form \((H^T . N^{-1} . H) . \vec{c} = H^T . N^{-1} . \vec{TOD}\), where H_i is the operator obtained from the preset, U is a reshaped operator, and x_planck and xI are intermediate variables used in the calculations.
- Parameters:
seenpix (array_like) – Boolean array that define the pixels observed by QUBIC.
- update_gain()[source]
Update detectors gain.
Method that compute and print gains of each detectors using semi-analytical method decribed in “give_intercal” function, using the formula : \(g^i = \frac{TOD_{obs}^i}{TOD_{sim}^i}\).
- update_mixing_matrix(beta, previous_mixingmatrix, icomp)[source]
Update Mixing Matrix.
Method to update the mixing matrix using the current fitted value of the beta parameter and the parametric model associated. Only use when hybrid parametric-blind fit is selected !
- Parameters:
beta (int) – Spectral index.
previous_mixingmatrix (array_like) – Mixing Matrix at the previous iteration \((N_{sub} + N_{integr} . N_{Planck}, N_{comp})\).
icomp (int) – Component index.
- Returns:
updated_mixingmatrix – The updated Mixing Matrix.
- Return type: